21 may

Now it´s warm like hell, and the turist are alredy starting to come to our isalnd Gotland. But in this issue we can call them terorrist!!! I don´t now why I hate them so much right now. It´s not the terrorist inded who are the trouble, that are the Gutnish world when every thing is around the summur. And under the winter the Gutnish is deprest and holding on there money hard so hard to the next summer when the litle more rich people on this island are going to ``Kalbadhuset`` when the brats are from ``sturplan`` ovnly week 29 caled ``Stockholmsveckan``. And its under this week all champain on the whole island is going to be completle sold ut. But now fore a few days the new ´´Landshödving´´ is going to forbid all the champain squirt, and the pub owners is angry and the brats from stockholm is angry. hahahah
But this shit should not handling about the rich guys. Under this summer I and many friends have not got any summer jobs so, it would be much parting, painting, bombing, rubing m.m.m. so the terrorist watch out in this summer of 2010!!!!


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